Saturday, December 1, 2012


D and I had a photographer come by the apartment yesterday to take pictures for our Christmas card. She sent a sneak peek-

Abby is cracking me up because she looks a little panicky...she was fine, especially once she got treats. I'm so excited for the rest!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

it's been a while

We've been moving and have almost settled in our new apartment. We still have a ton of crap in storage that we need to bring over, it's not urgent though.

Not a whole lot going on, work is good. I promise I'll post more interesting stuff later.

Here's a pic of me taking a nap with the cat and dog!

Monday, September 24, 2012

look, a new post!

Got a part time job, working at a doggy day camp. I love it, I basically get to play with puppies all day!

Abby got a sore on her tail and she kept licking it so it got infected. Ended up having to wear the cone of shame...poor pups! She's not going to be very happy with me next week, she has to go to the vet and get her teeth cleaned. is very exciting. Oh! I bought our tickets to see Wicked in October. I've seen it before and am looking forward to seeing it again!

Ok...hopefully I'll have a more exciting post.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

PAWS Walk 2012

Today was the PAWS organization's 21st walk! Abby had a great time getting free treats and smelling everything around her! She also got a new bandanna, it looks so cute on her. My friend and I met up with a couple of people. Abby got to see her boyfriend Nobie. I don't think she was as excited as Nobie was though. He did get jealous when Abby was walking next to another dog, it was so cute!

Here's Abby with Nobie-

I haven't seen my friend Heather in a long time and it was great hanging out with her! 

They had an agility course and I had Abby take a go at it. It took a while for her to get the ramps down, but she did a great job with the jumping parts.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

PAWS Walk 2012

PAWS Walk is coming up September 8th! I've been going for the past 2 years, this will be my third. I love the PAWS organization and I think they do great work. I adopted my cat from their Cat City.

This is the part where I beg for money. Any donations would be appreciated!

Abby's Page

Abby begs you with her puppy dog eyes. 

If Abby doesn't convince you, 
Hypno-Cat will.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Last night a friend and I went to see Rent at the 5th Avenue theatre. I'll talk about that in a minute but first I'll be talking about Rock Bottom.

We went there for dinner first and I went with only a ceasar salad so I wouldn't be full for dessert. Both of us went with the brownie sundae and it was freakin delicious. I already want another one! I devoured mine and the rest of what was leftover from my friend's plate. It was that good. Om nom nom...

The show was AMAZING. The entire cast did a superb job, every song was perfect. I loved that the cast is from the Seattle area.

Today is going to boring. Laundry, watch Die Hard followed by a little bit of True Blood and Game of Thrones. Good times!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hey, it's my first post!

I have decided to step out and join the blogging community! This blog will have topics from comic books, movies to what my feelings are about sea otters. Spoiler- I love them and I think they are freakin adorable! I will also talk about my cat, dog and wonderful husband.

I hope you enjoy reading!