Sunday, July 7, 2013

WIJFR Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky *possible spoilers*

I LOVED this book, it was so sad and beautiful. I really liked how it was written, it definitely worked for the character.

I really related to Charlie, I have also stayed in the hospital due to a breakdown. I remember being checked in, having to take out the drawstring from my sweatshirt, D bringing me a bag of clothes and the snow leopard stuffed animal he got for me from the Woodland Park Zoo. And then when D had to leave, I remember sitting on the bed and realizing how alone I was. Like Charlie, it was such a big help having family and friends being so supportive.

I found out that the author was also the director and producer of the movie, it was great that it followed the book very closely, but wasn't exactly the same.

Monday, July 1, 2013

WIJFR Mockingjay by Suzane Collins *SPOILERS*

I enjoyed this, but I felt that the ending was a bit hurried.

I don't see why Katniss didn't see how bad Gale was going, willing to set up human traps with no remorse. So I wasn't too upset when he was transferred to District 2 at the end. I was glad that Katniss ended up with Peeta, but didn't feel that she loved him as much as he loved her. Like she was settling down a little. 

And forcing the Hunger Games on the children of the Capitol? I wasn't sure how I felt about that. It wasn't the childrens' fault for the bad decisions that their parents and ancestors made. And I don't recall these Hunger Games every being mentioned.

And Katniss having children? She admitted that she only had them because Peeta wanted children. It sounded like she was happy with the decision after she gave birth, but it wasn't very evident.