Monday, October 6, 2014

drunk Sailor Moon watching episodes 6 and 7

Dude, I can only watch it with English subtitles on my laptop. FUCK YOU HULU PLUS.

Sailor Moon Crystal- Act 6: Tuxedo Mask

Oh noes! Bad dreams for Mamo-chan. Dude,if you're seeing things, maybe you should top taking the drugs.

How dare you knock me over. I DON'T NEED OR WANT YOUR HELP DAMMIT.

Hmmm....Mercury is suspicious!

Someone's got a cruuuush.

Look who's dashing!

He's up to no goods.

Yeah it's no laughing matter. BE SERIOUS YOU GUYS!

You failed dude, no second chances for you!

Is this Star Wars?

Don't worry, he's not evil. Right now.

That sucks, I wouldn't want my planet to blow up.

No pressure you guys! Just the future hangs in the balance.

Stop being cryptic Luna!

Well, you better believe it!

Now SHE'S doing the drugs if a video game starts talking to her.

Or Sailor Venus is your WORST ENEMY EVER.

Legendary Silver Crystal? Is your doooom.

Uh-oh. Purple haze, that can't be good.

How do these people know what to look for? Have they seen a picture of it?

I love Rei's school outfit. A lot cuter than the other girl's.

Very astute Usagi, it is like a secret base!

Luna, you don't understand my lyfe!

Oh humans, you suck at your job. How hard is it to find an item you have no idea what it looks like?

Jupiter is my third favorite scout. First is Saturn, second is Pluto.

I'm so glad their transformations don't take forever.

Look, I saved you from falling down!

Way to cause chaos Tuxedo Mask.

Well...I also want to find the silver crystal.

Not helping the other scouts?

Your face will perish!

Where is Sailor Moon? I don't know. Maybe being the worst team leader ever.

You just told him you're Sailor Moon!!! Pay attention yo!

Yes, you completely suck.

What's your super power?
I make people laugh!
So...your a comedian...

Why yes, you are all of those things.


AHHHH! It's Sailor Venus! And Artemis!

Where am I? It's ok, Tuxedo Mask just took you to his place. Because he likes to be creepy like that.

Episode 6 is over! Now on to 7.

Sailor Moon Crystal Act 7: Mamoru Chiba- Tuxedo Mask

Usagi...maybe you should go home. Wouldn't your parents be freaking out?

Now that I put on your mask, you suddenly become....Tuxedo Mask! *gasp!*

Who needs men's protection indeed?

I just noticed that Sailor Jupiter's shoes are different in the show than the credits...

How did I become Tuxedo Mask? Fuck if I know.

Ha! Mamo-chan is a street walker! Wait...

Because I was told to.

There's sadness in your eyes.

Sure, secrets are fun!

Nooo, stay awhile. Because I'm super creepy!

Well that was fast. Already picking nicknames for each other.

It's Sailor Venus again!

These human energies are stale!


Sorry, they're going to wake up no matter what. Actually, sorry not sorry.

Can't they pick a warmer climate maybe?

Well yeah, if you just give it to her, the show would end. Or rather, this season.

ANY movie?

Dark...that can't be good.

Eat more? Don't mind if I do!

Umino is also super creepy. Way too creepy.

What isn't wrong with him?!

Nope, just related to the Venus kingdom.

Usagi, could you please eat with a little bit more grace?

Well yeah, you have ketchup on your face.

I'm pretty sure that pocket watch isn't going to clean your face.

Not scolding!

Please don't smell that handkerchief...dammit, stop being so creepy!

Or someone...

Luna is such a stalker.

*to the chant of one of us...* Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon...

This movie sucks.

Yet another brainwashing technology.

Yes, must have been absent-minded.

Sailor Moon? Fuck if I know. I heard she moved out of the country.

Usagi, whatever you do, DO NOT, transform. Of course, she is going to.



I should probably move, a lot of weird shit keeps happening.

I know right? She didn't listen to me either.


Weird, they were able to fight without speaking last episode...

Did they seriously attack him while he was holding onto Sailor Moon?


Not the time you guys. Stare into each other's eyes on your own time.

He saw that punch coming a mile away.

Not really. I'm ok with not finding. Oh wait...never mind that it's what I'm working towards.

Way to say each other's real names in front of your enemy.

Sailor Venus to the rescue! And Artemis!

Fucking hair getting in my face. Maybe you should put it up more.

Hope you enjoyed the complete randomness of this post. I do not apologize if it doesn't make a lot of sense. GO WATCH THE EPISODES!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 5: Makoto- Sailor Jupiter

This time high on pain meds! Stuid sciatica. I know others don't like the art, but I love it! It seems crisper to me somehow.

Yay, it's Jupiter! You can tell because her umbrella has roses on it.

Luna, you're getting fat.

Still love the theme song, very catchy. *does a little dance*

Makoto, I love that name.

You pesky kids, I would have gotten away with it too!...Oh wait. Wrong show.

Wait...if the bride's fiancee could have made it, would he have worn the dress? What?

I like Makoto's earrings, they're really pretty. I like her hair. So shiny!

Usuagi is REALLY excited about her lunch.


I'm not sure how I feel about the voice actor for Makoto. 

You're hallucinating Makoto. Maybe you should stop smoking the crack.

He looks just like my old boyfriend!

Mannequins coming to life? Sounds like a job for the ninth Doctor!


This one is a bit creepy. Mannequin hanging out in the street. Lights flashing on and off, red eyes...creepy!

Hmmm....Mamoru suspects something. His spidey-sense is tingling. Or rather Tuxedo Mask-sense.

Wow, that was fast. Did they teleport to Usagi!

Transformation time! I like how they did it this time. Didn't seem to take forever like before.

What can you do? I don't know...TAKE YOU DOWN BITCH?!

Awww....poor Mako-chan!


Wow...she saw right through Usagi's "disguise."

Ok, Mako-chan, it's time to save the day!

Yay! Sailor Jupiter! I love her boots.

She will leave you numb from all of your regret? Say what? 

Ha! What did I do last night?

Tuxedo Mask be all creepy. Hanging out around middle school girl's windows.

Usagi- I'm the leader?

Yeah...can we have a vote? I'd turn that shit down FAST.

And the day is saved! Thanks to...the Pow...wait...I mean the Sailor Guardians! Oooo...Tuxedo Mask...Ally?...Or Enemy? Stay tuned for next episode! Episode 6: Tuxedo Mask.

my commentary on episodes of 1-5 of Sailor Moon Crystal

I wrote these while I was drunk, so yeah...enjoy!

Episode 1: Usagi- Sailor Moon

The theme song is super catchy. I "try" to sing a long to the Japanese words, but mostly it's me singing "something something...SAILOR MOOOON!!!"

EVERY.TIME. they transform, they get a manicure. But then they are wearing gloves! Doesn't make sense. Also, how do they de-transform? Do they say a random word? Hand signal? JAZZ HANDS?! I would totally transform just to get a new manicure. If the manicure stays that is.

Episode 3: Rei-Sailor Mars

Currently watching Rei's episode. She keeps saying "spirited away." DO YOU WANT TO BE SUED REI?! BECAUSE DISNEY LIKES TO SUE PEOPLE. A LOT. 

Mars- I will chastise you! /dead

OMG, I'm noming on some mashed potatoes and gravy. De.licious.

Episode 4: Masquerade Dance Party

Luna is catching us up with the characters. I enjoyed that Mamo-chan was a "suspicious character" and on the blacklist last episode.

Usagi- Run at full speed!

Me- Dude, Luna isn't the one who is late for school. She doesn't NEED to hurry!

To follow up with my mashed potato/gravy love- DON'T burp with food in your mouth. It's not pleasant.

I've always liked the idea of the Four Kings being romantic matches to the Inner Scouts.

Oh no, poor Luna!

Luna- Thanks for leaving me behind bitches!

I'm wearing a beautiful dress too! WHY WON'T ANYONE DANCE WITH ME?!

That's ok, dapper Mamo-chan will dance with you! Dude...way to be rude.

Douse yourself in water and repent! I mean...COME ON!

Here, let me just pull out this pen that is conveniently tucked away in my cleavage.

You think you can stop us?! You can try.

Oh yes, they will. AND WIN!

LOL at now showing Usagi drunk at the mask. 

Hey, I'll just kiss this sleeping girl, that won't be weird. Don't be creepy Tuxedo Mask. Don't be creepy.

IT'S JUPITER!!! Yay! I'm already excited for the Outer Scouts. And that is going to be awhile! 

Ok, BlackCanary's drunken Sailor Moon ramblings are over...


Friday, August 1, 2014